Sabtu, 16 April 2011


First, let’s get some clarity:  although the three major credit reporting agencies are called Credit “Bureaus”, they are NOT owned or operated by the Government.  The 3 major Credit Bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union, along with their good friend Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) are privately owned businesses.

Secondly, the laws that govern credit reporting and collection activities are the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which governs the organizations that report information to the credit bureaus, and the Fair Debt Collection Protection Act, which governs the organizations that execute collection activities and protect the consumer.  It is the responsibility of the financial institution or reporting organization to report “accurate” information.  All the credit bureaus do is report what they are given and look for public record to add the files to make them more appealing for organizations to want to purchase credit reports and credit scores from them.

Yes, these privately owned businesses make money off the organizations that want to report to them and make money off the organizations that want to view your credit report and credit score from them. Therefore, this is just a CREDIT GAME.

Every game has Players.  Each Player has a Position to play and all Players want to WIN!!!


The players of the Credit Game are:

  • The Credit Reporting Agencies (Credit Bureaus):  Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union.  They are all in cahoots with their good buddy FICO, also known as the “Credit Score.”
  • The Financial Institution or Reporting Organization.  They are going to tell all of your financial business!  Especially when you mess up and miss a payment.
  • The Consumer.  That’s You!


Each of the players has positions in an effort to win this Credit Game.

  • The Credit Reporting Agencies: To report the information that they receive from all who report to them.  They want to MAKE as much MONEY by getting financial institutions and organizations to pay to report to them AND by getting financial institutions and organizations (employers, insurance companies, cell phone providers, utilities, etc.) to pay to view the consumers Credit Reputation … I mean Credit Report and Credit Score.
  • The Financial Institution or Organization:  To report financial information “accurately”.  They want to MAKE as much MONEY off the consumers.  The LOWER the Credit Score, the presumed HIGHER the Risk, therefore, the HIGHER the loan interest rates, fees, cost of service, etc. That is called “Risk Based Pricing.” 
  • The Consumer.  To purchase money to pay for goods or obtain services at a reasonable or low cost.  You want to SAVE as much MONEY as you can when you obtain a loan for goods and/or pay less for services.


Every game has rules.  Rule #1:  Understand that whatever you do financially and how you pay it back will be reported on your Credit Report and will affect your Credit Score.  So don’t mess up!!!

Ok, if you kind of messed up in Rule #1… Rule #2 of the Credit Game is hidden in the above state laws:  FCRA and FDCPA!!!  If YOU don’t know that rule of the game, your credit score is probably low and you are probably paying very high loan interest and fees.

So who teaches people these Rules of the Game?  Good question.  Most consumers have been trying to educate themselves on Money and Credit Management or seeking organizations or financial advisors to help educate them.  IRONY:  Most consumers expect Financial Institutions to teach them the rules of the game.  HELPFUL HINT:  Your opponent may not be willing to share with you how to win the game they are playing.  Remember:  The less you know, the more you’ll pay.

The challenge of Rule #2 is that the FCRA and FDCPA are ACTs and therefore have legal jargon and are thick documents.  It may require translation and possibly legal interpretation in order for a consumer to use these laws to their benefit… BUT… it is so important for consumers to know and understand and every consumer has access to figure these ACTs out for themselves.  ;-)


One of the best ways to win this Credit Game, as a Consumer, is to use a secret weapon, like Credit Restoration through National Credit Educational Services (NCES).  NCES is a non-profit organization who is committed to presenting the most premier financial education information available to their clients with no exceptions.  They seek daily, new financial benefits that will help clients to escalate to their highest financial abilities.  Their continued credit educational services are aimed at providing clients with the tools they need to overcome any negative financial situations relating to the IRS, foreclosure, credit card charge offs and education loans, just to name a few.

With a partner (or secret weapon) like NCES, who provides agents, like ME, to share information to you about your rights and can execute on your behalf for less than what you are paying in a month in interest and fees payments, you will win the Credit Game!

By winning the Credit Game, you will have what is considered an advantage and be able to use your Credit and Credit Score as leverage and negotiation power to refinance your debt with a lower interest rate, pay less in fees or for services, get that dream job, buy that home or needed car, etc.

Ultimately the choice is yours.  You are in the Credit Game by default if you have a loan or someone has reported information about you to the Credit Reporting Agencies and you have to or want to apply for any type of service that will check your credit.

Hopefully, you will choose to WIN the CREDIT GAME!!!

Let me help you!  Contact me for more information one-on-one or to facilitate a Free Credit Seminar for a small or large group.  It’s time to get your PROSPERITY NOW!

Tarra J
Prosperity Now!

© 2011 TJackson  Publications

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