Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

One Month and Two Days

In one month and two days, it is time for Personal Finance Symposium IV.  This year’s lineup of speakers is expected to be interesting for both consumers and financial planning practitioners.  Following a welcome from MIZZOU, we will begin the program with a longtime friend of the department, John Qualy, to share his perspectives on our role in creating financial success both for ourselves and the broader economy.  Following John, Matt Chiccuarelli is traveling from the Boston area to teach us more about the role of annuities as a tool in managing our longevity risk – the risk of living longer than our money.


After lunch (one reason why we have to charge to attend), we will open with Margie Carpenter, who I heard speak at the Financial Planners Association meeting in San Diego.  Her research is focused on emerging market equity investing (investing in rapidly developing countries).  The historical approach she employs in visualizing the world we are witnessing take shape is enlightening.  Thus, she is coming from Cleveland to share it with our Missouri friends.  Finally, a prior faculty member of our department and acclaimed teacher, Craig Israelsen, is traveling from Provo, UT to share his published work on investment portfolio diversification – so easy you can do it yourself (or, do it for your clients).


We have to rent space in the Alumni Center, print advertisements and programs, pay for lunch, as well as the transportation of our speakers.  Thus, there is a cost: $10 for students, $30 for the non-student public, or $50 which includes payment for four hours of continuing education credits for Certified Financial Planners®.  To be honest, the department loses money on the symposium but our return is in knowing we are bringing this program to you, as a resource for your financial and professional well-being.  Information on how to register follows the outline for the day’s activities:

Personal Finance Symposium IV

“Money Maze: Amazing Money”

April 25, 2012

9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Reynolds Alumni Center, University of Missouri

Columbia, Missouri



9:30 Welcome and Introduction:

Robert O. Weagley, Ph.D., CFP®, Chair Personal Financial Planning, University of Missouri


Welcome to MU - Natalie "Nikki" Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration, University of Missouri System


10:00 John Qualy, CLU, “Financial Freedom: Victor or Victim”, The Qualy Agency Northwestern Mutual Financial Network, St. Louis, MO


11:00 Matt Chiccuarelli, “Navigating the Variable Annuity along the Road to Retirement”, Annuity Research Consultant, Commonwealth Financial Network®, Waltham, MA


12:00 Lunch


1:30 Margie Carpenter, CFP®, CIMA®, “Allocating to Emerging Market Equities: Why, How, and How Much”, Bell Tower Advisors, LLC, Cleveland, OH


2:30 Craig Israelsen, PhD, “Asset Allocation:  Building a Better Balanced Portfolio”, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT


3:30 Adjourn


Sponsored by:

Personal Financial Planning Department, University of Missouri

            Office for Financial Success

            Center for Economic Education

College of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Missouri



Mid-Missouri Estate Planning Council, Columbia, MO

Shelter Insurance

National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, Columbia, MO

Society of Financial Service Professionals, Columbia, MO



Bank of Missouri

Craig and Tammy Israelsen


~RSVP Required~



$30/person, includes lunch

$50/per person with four hours of CFP® continuing education credits (include CFP number with payment), includes lunch and registration

$10/student, includes lunch


For more information or to make your reservation, please contact Amy Sanders at (573) 884-5958 or sandersal@missouri.edu .

Mail check (payable to University of Missouri) to 14 Gwynn Hall, Columbia, MO 65211


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