Kamis, 19 April 2007

Moving? Relocation Resources ...

With the end of the semester nearing, we are now approaching the 'moving season' – graduation, new jobs, disgruntled roommates – all necessitate a change in scenery. Moving ranks as one of the most stressful events in a person’s life; planning ahead can help reduce some of this stress. Regardless of the reason for your move, there are many valuable resources to assist you every step of the way [all free].

- Moving Checklist
- Relocation Guide

The most comprehensive relocation resource is HOMEFAIR. Free resources include:

* City Reports (Demographics, Cost of Living, and other quality of life info)
* Community Calculator (What cities share factors similar to your community …)
* Crime Statistics (How does your potential city compare with where you live now?)
* Find a Storage Facility (Storage unit quotes)
* Mortgage Qualification (How much of a house can you afford in your new city?)
* Moving Calculator (Estimate what the costs of the move will be)
* Rent vs. Buy Calculator (Given our situation, what makes more $ sense?)
* Salary Calculator (How would a salary of $X compare in cities A and B?)
* School Reports(Information on schools as well as personnel contacts)

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