Have you considered taking a Personal Finance course this fall? A one-credit course through the Personal Financial Planning Department may be just what you're looking for ...
FINPLN 1183 (Financial Survival).
A one-credit course geared to underclassmen; class focus is on "student-specific" financial issues: credit cards, student loans, debt management, avoiding common financial pitfalls, credit issues, etc. Offered pass/fail.
* Reference #79997
* Fridays -- 2:00-2:50
* Meets once/week for full semester
* Instructor - Dr. Mark Oleson
FINPLN 4483 (Financial Success).
A one-credit course geared to upperclassmen [nearing graduation]; class focuses on common post-graduation financial issues: Investing (stocks, mutual funds, bonds, etc.), Retirement Planning (401(k)s, IRAs), Managing loan and other debt after graduation, Insurance, Purchasing a home, etc. Offered pass/fail.
* Reference #97665
* Thursdays -- 3:00-3:50
* Meets once/week for full semester
* Instructor - Dr. Mark Oleson
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